A captivating thriller set against the backdrop of the Iraqi war and the Deep South, Wiggle Room blends treachery and romance with murder. While serving as an Air Force surgeon, Major Brad Cummins fails to save an injured American soldier yet must mend the Iraqi maimed in the same roadside blast. Enduring criticism from his peers, Cummins is unaware that the wounded college student now wants him dead and has tracked him back to Mississippi. When loved ones die around him, Brad Cummins’ new love interest and fellow surgeon, Dr. Diana Bratton, forces him to uncover the truth.
MPB Think Radio
“North’s visually acute, action-packed style … is likely headed for the silver screen …”
“A rollercoaster ride of murder, intrigue, and plot twists. Wiggle Room keeps you turning the pages to the final, climactic finish.”
“Wiggle Room [is] a cleverly plotted, strongly written medical thriller [that] will pull you into a story world filled with danger, excitement, and conflict at every turn.”
“Darden North is one of those writers who pays meticulous attention to getting the detail right in the course of his riveting thrillers and Wiggle Room is no exception.”
“Wiggle Room is a suspense-chocked, mature, medical/military mystery with smarts to boot. The end was a surprising – but exceptionally satisfying – conclusion to a shivering ride of deception and murder.
Darden North’s writing unfolds like scenes from a movie, blending descriptions with brisk dialogue to propel the plot forward. This storytelling style translates well to the audiobook format, ensuring that listeners are hooked from the first landing of the helicopter with the IED victims to the climax that ties it all together.
The Big Thrill